Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tugas Soft Skill II (Change direct into indirect from an article)

1.  Direct :
“In my assessment, [the Working Cabinet] is good because it has large number of professionals. I hope Jokowi’s administration can work well,” he said .

Indirect :
He said that in his assessment of the working cabinet is good because it has large number of professional. He hope that Jokowi’s administration can work well.

2. Direct : We give them [Jokowi’s ministers] a hope. We will also give them as wide a chance as possible to give the government space to work for the sake of the country and the people,” he said.

Indirect :
He said that they give Jokowi’s minister a hope. They also will give them as wide a chance as possible to give the government space to work for the sake of the country and the people.

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