Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How To Improve Our English

From the background. As we know, that nowadays many kind of vacancy job that needs an employee who’s be able to use English fluently. This requirement has been exist in almost of every vacancy job. Why is it suppose to be like this? Yes, because English was International language. That means, English was used in every country in the world. So when you visit any country for example, France. and then you don’t know to speaking French, so you may use English to communicating each other. And it’s also happened in Indonesia.
Along with the time, there are many companies or industries in Indonesia who have a work relationship with foreign countries. So the employees are automatically must be able to use English to make them easier carry out their jobs, such as answer the telephone from foreign guest, make a deal with foreign company , presentation, have a talk and so on.

Not only in the occupation, but we also need English in our daily activity. As we can see, that there are many foreign citizens who have lived in our country, especially in Jakarta and Bali. It’s not impossible if one day they asking or greeting or even talking to us with using English. So it is mean that we must know how to communicate in English, either to speaking, reading, writing or listening.
I think that we all know about it. But until right now, there are still some people who don’t care about it. Or may be they just don’t know how to learn. But often, there are some people who already know about using English but they just don’t confident with their skill. So I think, that the people just have to improve a little more of their English.

There are many ways to improve our English, but I just choose the simplest thing of it. for example :

1.   *Often to read any advertisement in the street, in magazine, in television etc. at first when we see the adv, maybe we don’t know the meaning of it. But we certainly will often see the advertisement, and then we can automatically remember the words, and then getting curious to know the meaning of that words. Then we can find it on dictionary. So with that, we can know the words that most uses in the public.

2.  *Often to listening to the west songs. This is same as the method above-- listen to the music, remember the lyrics, curious the meaning of it, and then find the words on dictionary. But It’s better. Why? Because we can easier to remember something when it’s accompanied by the instrument of the music. So with that, we can know many new words from the lyrics and we also can know how to make the sentence of it, plus we can know how to pronounce the words.

3.    *Often to updating our activity or status on social network by using English. It is a very simple way to improve our English, I guess. Because I often do that too. So when we want to write something and sometimes we don’t know what is the best word to make a sentence, we are certainly find out the words from dictionary. Or sometimes we just have to checking for the best sentence composition in google translate. So with that, we can browse many words and it’s of course can improve our English.

4.    *And the last one, is often to speak English with everyone you’ve met. Everyone. Either your Mom, Dad, Sister, Friends, Lecture and so on. Remember, practice make us perfect. With more practice, we can build our confidence in front of the public.

From the examples above, we already improve our English by speaking & listening (when we listen to the music), by reading (when we read any adv), by writing (when we updating status). So it’s very simple isn’t? I’m sure that it’s really worth for us and  I’m sure that you can try it by yourself start from now. Good luck!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pin Hole Camera

this is the second post for my soft skill assignment. ya I want to tell you about a pinhole camera. Have you ever heard about it? Pinhole camera is known as an obscura camera or "dark chamber".
okay, first time I knew about this camera is when I watched a news on television. So, there's a community who made a variety of  pinhole camera. I don't remember where is exactly they are but I'm sure they were still in Indonesia :p I thought that a pinhole camera is a simple types of camera which one makes us easier to get a nice picture with a very simple stuff and also a cheaper fund. Why I said that it's a very simple stuff? according to the name of the camera, "pinhole" or in Indonesian it was "lubang jarum" we can make a pinhole on everything, such as on a cigarette can, a pencil case, a used cardboard and the other kind of box.

according to some articles, a pinhole camera is a camera that was made of light-tight space with a small hole (as big as a tip of a needle) which function as an access to the light to comes and created a picture of a paper or negative film.
The result of pinhole camera is not predictable but it's surely made some unexpected picture!! and the result is direct in the form of a photo paper. So we must prepare for the paper first. And then after that we have to modify it again in order to make the box can shoot a picture. I'll tell you more details after this. This is some examples of pinhole camera

this one is made of a cardboard

this one is made of a canned milk

this one is made of a classic box

you can make your own creation!

and hualaaa..!! it is sold! 
just share to me if you know the store of pinhole camera ;)

For youth info, I just read some articles about pinhole camera, and obviously there's Komunitas Lubang Jarum Indonesia since August, 17th 2002 until now, and has been scattered at 10 cities in Indonesia. cool! 
Okay now, I'll tell you how to make this pinhole camera!

Ingredients & tools :
1. cans (if you want to make it by can)
2. pin (needle)
3. Aluminium foil 
4. Sandpaper
5. Black dutch tape
6. Black paint
7, Glass
8. Scissors
9. Photo paper

How to make :
1. Make a holes in the can for about 2x2 cm. (6cm from the bottom)
2. Paint inside the can with the black paint.
3. Cut the aluminium foil for about 4x4cm. Holes in the aluminium foil with the pin. Rotate the pin until it create a  +- 0,2mm -- 0,4mm hole.
4. Stick tight that aluminium foil to the hole's can with the black dutch tape. (Don't let the lights in)
5. Make a cover from a linen paper to open-close the hole's can.
6. Get in the photo paper to the can, and then stick it with the black dutch tape in the opposite sites.

principle work of pinhole camera 

How to use :
-Just open and close the linen paper a.k.a. shutter in a certain time.
-For a bright picture in outdoor, you can open it for about 3-5 seconds.
-For a medium picture in outdoor, you can open it for about 10-15 seconds.
-If we take a picture in the night, we often needs 10-30 minutes or maybe 1 hour.

This is some results of pinhole camera

Is it like a lomo camera? Yep! You can check it more from google! We don't have to worry if we're not expert on photographer, because the usage of pinhole camera is not dispute to the technique. The key is do more practice and don't think, just shoot!
Good luck!

How Cruel The Sun is

guess who the owner of that fucking legs??
me! me! me! me! me! me! T_T
I was like "iyuuuwwwhhh" when everytime I see it. I don't know how the sunshine is really work on my legs.
this is the wrong thing, ya I ride a motorcycle everyday without using any sun blocks or even a socks! and I don't know how to make it just like before. is there anyone can help me to find the solution? :/
and... just don't try this to yourself. keep ur beauty girls!

It was my 11.11.11

after the last class..
me and my college friends were having fun at Nav, Margo (pake acara pusing-pusingan ngitung duit patungan -_-)

hmmm first thing first, the service in Nav is not really good haha. but yaa however, we still enjoyed the music and also the photo session. you can take a look on my facebook and see who's "the banci kamera" is B)
and for you guys, we should take another time to have some more fun again awkay!? XOXO
after the goyang-goyang and so on, we gotta go to iLab. as always, I was ride my motor. and this time with Vanya.
the problem has just begun..
it's definitely my fault. we lost our parking ticket! and we must pay ten thousand for that. hhhhhh
here it is.. ANTI KLIMAX.
I'm only have ONE helmet. but I thought that it's okay because it's not far from Margo to Kelapa Dua so, I started to go. "okay wait. may I use Indonesian?" "Sure!!!"
udah tuh.. gue sama Vanya keluar dari Margo dengan sedikit rasa terpukul kehilangan 10rb -_-" terus kita jalan.. muter balik detos.. nyampe di persimpangan yang antara jalan ke Kelapa Dua sama Akses UI-Ps.Minggu
gue ambil yang ke arah Kelapa Dua.. gue dari awal juga udah takut sih kalo disitu bakal ada polisi.. tapi gue mikir "yaudah lah orang jarang ada polisi juga kok hari gini" gak lama, Vanya ribut "ai ai itu ada polisi gue turun aja nih?" "udah Nya gausah. dia pake topi biasa, bukan helm.. itu bukan polisi yang suka nilang" ternyata emang bener bukan. pas mau belok ke arah Kelapa Dua nya.................................................... jeng jeng jeng jeng *musik nya little einstein*
PAK POLISI YANG PAKE HELM!!! dan Vanya belom sempet turun, doi udah nyuruh gue ke pinggir. sial~
gue ajakin damai, duit nya kurang. gue rayu-rayu melas-melas, gak mempan. 

alhasil SIM gue ditahan dan bisa diambil di Pengadilan Depok tgl 25. le?mes (pokok nya sesuai perjanjian Vanya nemenin gue sidang \(^^)/)
gue yang udah stress ngomel-ngomel. Vanya yang udah stress gak masuk iLab sekaligus merasa bersalah banget.. nongkrong di kampus H dan sampe akhir nya kita pulang.

I just should take a lesson from that accident : to always bring TWO helmet and don't ever try to break the traffic rules again.
well, that was my 11.11.11. quite random haha. how's yours?