me and my college friends were having fun at Nav, Margo (pake acara pusing-pusingan ngitung duit patungan -_-)
hmmm first thing first, the service in Nav is not really good haha. but yaa however, we still enjoyed the music and also the photo session. you can take a look on my facebook and see who's "the banci kamera" is B)
and for you guys, we should take another time to have some more fun again awkay!? XOXO
after the goyang-goyang and so on, we gotta go to iLab. as always, I was ride my motor. and this time with Vanya.
the problem has just begun..
it's definitely my fault. we lost our parking ticket! and we must pay ten thousand for that. hhhhhh
here it is.. ANTI KLIMAX.
I'm only have ONE helmet. but I thought that it's okay because it's not far from Margo to Kelapa Dua so, I started to go. "okay wait. may I use Indonesian?" "Sure!!!"
udah tuh.. gue sama Vanya keluar dari Margo dengan sedikit rasa terpukul kehilangan 10rb -_-" terus kita jalan.. muter balik detos.. nyampe di persimpangan yang antara jalan ke Kelapa Dua sama Akses UI-Ps.Minggu
gue ambil yang ke arah Kelapa Dua.. gue dari awal juga udah takut sih kalo disitu bakal ada polisi.. tapi gue mikir "yaudah lah orang jarang ada polisi juga kok hari gini" gak lama, Vanya ribut "ai ai itu ada polisi gue turun aja nih?" "udah Nya gausah. dia pake topi biasa, bukan helm.. itu bukan polisi yang suka nilang" ternyata emang bener bukan. pas mau belok ke arah Kelapa Dua nya.................................................... jeng jeng jeng jeng *musik nya little einstein*
PAK POLISI YANG PAKE HELM!!! dan Vanya belom sempet turun, doi udah nyuruh gue ke pinggir. sial~
gue ajakin damai, duit nya kurang. gue rayu-rayu melas-melas, gak mempan.
alhasil SIM gue ditahan dan bisa diambil di Pengadilan Depok tgl 25. le?mes (pokok nya sesuai perjanjian Vanya nemenin gue sidang \(^^)/)
gue yang udah stress ngomel-ngomel. Vanya yang udah stress gak masuk iLab sekaligus merasa bersalah banget.. nongkrong di kampus H dan sampe akhir nya kita pulang.
I just should take a lesson from that accident : to always bring TWO helmet and don't ever try to break the traffic rules again.
well, that was my 11.11.11. quite random haha. how's yours?
well, that was my 11.11.11. quite random haha. how's yours?
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