Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pin Hole Camera

this is the second post for my soft skill assignment. ya I want to tell you about a pinhole camera. Have you ever heard about it? Pinhole camera is known as an obscura camera or "dark chamber".
okay, first time I knew about this camera is when I watched a news on television. So, there's a community who made a variety of  pinhole camera. I don't remember where is exactly they are but I'm sure they were still in Indonesia :p I thought that a pinhole camera is a simple types of camera which one makes us easier to get a nice picture with a very simple stuff and also a cheaper fund. Why I said that it's a very simple stuff? according to the name of the camera, "pinhole" or in Indonesian it was "lubang jarum" we can make a pinhole on everything, such as on a cigarette can, a pencil case, a used cardboard and the other kind of box.

according to some articles, a pinhole camera is a camera that was made of light-tight space with a small hole (as big as a tip of a needle) which function as an access to the light to comes and created a picture of a paper or negative film.
The result of pinhole camera is not predictable but it's surely made some unexpected picture!! and the result is direct in the form of a photo paper. So we must prepare for the paper first. And then after that we have to modify it again in order to make the box can shoot a picture. I'll tell you more details after this. This is some examples of pinhole camera

this one is made of a cardboard

this one is made of a canned milk

this one is made of a classic box

you can make your own creation!

and hualaaa..!! it is sold! 
just share to me if you know the store of pinhole camera ;)

For youth info, I just read some articles about pinhole camera, and obviously there's Komunitas Lubang Jarum Indonesia since August, 17th 2002 until now, and has been scattered at 10 cities in Indonesia. cool! 
Okay now, I'll tell you how to make this pinhole camera!

Ingredients & tools :
1. cans (if you want to make it by can)
2. pin (needle)
3. Aluminium foil 
4. Sandpaper
5. Black dutch tape
6. Black paint
7, Glass
8. Scissors
9. Photo paper

How to make :
1. Make a holes in the can for about 2x2 cm. (6cm from the bottom)
2. Paint inside the can with the black paint.
3. Cut the aluminium foil for about 4x4cm. Holes in the aluminium foil with the pin. Rotate the pin until it create a  +- 0,2mm -- 0,4mm hole.
4. Stick tight that aluminium foil to the hole's can with the black dutch tape. (Don't let the lights in)
5. Make a cover from a linen paper to open-close the hole's can.
6. Get in the photo paper to the can, and then stick it with the black dutch tape in the opposite sites.

principle work of pinhole camera 

How to use :
-Just open and close the linen paper a.k.a. shutter in a certain time.
-For a bright picture in outdoor, you can open it for about 3-5 seconds.
-For a medium picture in outdoor, you can open it for about 10-15 seconds.
-If we take a picture in the night, we often needs 10-30 minutes or maybe 1 hour.

This is some results of pinhole camera

Is it like a lomo camera? Yep! You can check it more from google! We don't have to worry if we're not expert on photographer, because the usage of pinhole camera is not dispute to the technique. The key is do more practice and don't think, just shoot!
Good luck!

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