Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summary of Business Communication

The sharing of information between people within an enterprises that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. In addition, business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to promote its products or services to potential consumers.

There are two ways of business communication, verbal and non-verbal
1. Verbal Communication
It's kind of business communication that explain their message of business by written and oral. It must be structured and organized  in order to make it understandable. For example : Make and send a covering letter to a company and also to a mass media.

2. Non-verbal communication
It's a based of communication that we usually do. Based on theory of anthropology, before someone say something, they will use their body language to communicate with other person. Example : frowning when thinking too much.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Name : Ainun Yasmin
Date of Birth : Jakarta, August 16th 1993
Sex : Female
Address :Petojo Selatan X/29 RT007/011 Kel. Cideng Kec. Gambir, Central Jakarta 10150
Phone Number : 085715339638
Email : ainun.yasmin16@gmail.com
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Single
Height/Weight : 160cm/47kg

Personal Qualification
- Responsible, honest, trustworthy.
- Willing to learn, creative, innovative and open minded.
- Good personality and skill
- Compatible to adapt in any situations. 

Personal Skill
·         Language : Indonesian-English (fluent)
·         Computer Literate : Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel.

Formal Education
2000-2005       : SD N Petojo Utara 01 Jakarta
2006-2008       : SMP N 72 Jakarta
2009-2011       : SMA N 25 Jakarta
Studying at Gunadarma University Faculty of English majoring Literature

Organization Experiences 
- Secretary of Junior High School organization
- Member of Senior High School event
-Committee of Senior High School year book

Work Experiences
- Volunteer at Premiere Film "Eat, Pray, Love" Balinale International Film Festival : 2010 at Epicentrum Walk, Jakarta.
- Typist at Plaza Gani Djemat : 2012
- Volunteer at Balinale International Film Festival at Bali : 2012
- Shopping Assistant at Aksara Plaza Indonesia : 2013 - till now.

Dialogue of Business Communication #2

This dialogue is between the shopping assistant (Customer service or CS) and the customer who wants to buy something in the store.

Customer : Hello, morning.
CS : Yes, can I help you something sir?
Customer : Ya, could you tell me what is the best seller of fiction novel this month?
Cs : Of course, we have Fault in Our Stars, Cuckoo's Calling, Divergent and many more. But, maybe you have a specific kind of story?
Customer : Well, yeah I actually have a green school. And I I want to buy some kind of fiction novel which I could put in our library. So, I want some kind of adventure novels. Do you have it?
CS : Yes, we have. I'll show you. This way sir.

The customer will do the transaction.
Customer : So, how much I should pay for those books?
CS : it's 1,425,600 sir.
Customer : Are you available for American Express?
CS : Yes, sir.
Customer : Ok, here's the problem. I can't carry on those books to our school, which is at Bandung. Do you have a delivery service?
CS : Oh, we can make it if you want to sir.
Customer : Thank God. Thankyou so much.
CS : Yes, just write down your address here and your telephone number, please.
Customer : There you go. And what about the cost of delivery?
CS : Right after we got the bill for the delivery, we'll inform you then. And you can send us the money by banking. Is it okay?
Customer : Deal. Thank you so much.
CS : you are very welcome sir.

Dialoge of Business Communication #1

In this dialogue, the communicant is promoting his work place to his friend as a part timer job.

Communicant : I have a problem of financial. Should I get a job while I also still in a college?
Communicator : Yes, you should. Why not?
Communicant : But I'm afraid if I can't manage the time between work and study.
Communicator : Of course you can! In my work place, Aksara. We have a part time job for a student.
Communicant : Really? What kind of company is it?
Communicator : It's a lifestyle store, which contain of books, gifts, music and magazines.
Communicant : So, what am I gonna work for there?
Communicator : You'll be work as a shopping assistant or customer service there.
Communicant : What is the requirement to work there?
Communicator : It's usual, just like other company. But the most important thing is you should compatible to speak English fluently. Are you?
Communicant : Of course, I can. How many time I should available on the store?
Communicator : So, if you're a part timer, you should have 6 times or shifts a week on the store. And each shift, is 5 hours a day.
Communicant : What about the salary?
Communicator : Oh, the part timer salary is less than the full timer. But still above 1 million.
Communicant : Where I should send my CV?
Communicator : You can send it to my store, aksarapi@gmail.com if you want to. Or just come to their head office at Kemang. If you are acceptable for the vacancy, they will call you then.
Communicant : Ok, that's great. I'll go for it. Thanks anyway.

10 Business Sentences #2

1. Void :
Because there's any mistake during the transaction, the company is forced to void the transaction.

2. Budget :
Every month, the company make a budget to control the finance.

3. Stock :
A company should have more stock of stationary to support their employees while working.

4. Investor :
A company should never only has one investor, it could be two or more in one company.

5. Shipping :
All the goods are sent by shipping and  airplane.

6. Supplier :
The supplier not only come from inside country but also international supplier.

7. Manager :
The operation manager in that company has a responsibility to organized all brances.

8. Bill :
The company should always pay for the bill of lease of the buiding.

9. Customer :
The traffic of customer is really affect the income of a company.

10. Office :
Every company should have an office to practice their works.

10 equivalent business word list #2

1. Void : Membatalkan
2. Budget : Anggaran Belanja
3. Stock : Persediaan
4. Investor : Penanam modal
5. Shipping : Pelayaran
6. Supplier : Pemasok
7. Manager : Pengelola
8. Bill : Tagihan
9. Customer : Pelanggan
10. Office : Kantor

Thursday, March 27, 2014

10 Business Sentences

1. Transaction :
Mr. Boy do the transaction for his new business.

2. Employee :
My father have been work as an employee for 6 years.

3. Tax :
All of import commodity that has been sent to Indonesia must be taxed before out from the airport or harbor.

4. Benefits :
The benefits from selling voucher is so much favorable.

5. Companies :
Tanah Abang is one of the largest place for garment companies in Indonesia.

6. Bankrupt :
When a spending of a company are much more than the income, it might be lead to the bankrupt.

7. Source :
There are so much source of nature from Indonesia which exposed by other country.

8. Export :
Indonesia has export so many products to International.

9. Partner :
In business, we have to choose a good partner to work together in order to reach a success.

10. Debt :
In a such urgent situation, a company is allowed to debt.

10 Business Word List

1. Transaction : Pembayaran
2. Employee : Karyawan
3. Tax : Pajak
4. Benefits : Keuntungan
5. Companies : Perusahaan
6. Bankrupt : Bangkrut
7. Source : Sumber
8. Export : Ekspor
9. Partner : Sekutu
10. Debt : Hutang